Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Looking forward to tomorrow

Last night Coleman asked me to tell him about when he was born. I enjoyed more telling him about being pregnant with him than the 4 straight hours of pushing...I remember how Coleman and I always seemed in sync with each other. It seemed when I was carrying him that he always slept when I did and woke when I did. I remember keeping time to the music on my belly every time I was driving. I always felt like he was connected to the music. When he started taking piano lessons, the first thing I remember his teacher telling me was what great rhythm he had...I smiled inside.

Coleman is looking forward to turning 12 tomorrow. Ms. Becky is coming tomorrow for PT and Coleman shot a few baskets with me today. He plans on showing her that he can do that - he's uncomfortable being in the driveway, but he had some great shots.

Today wasn't the best of days - he felt really tired and neither of us was firing on all cylinders and we had one of those days that any two people who live in the same room together are bound to have. All is well that ends well and we watched American Idol - only to be floored to find Adam in the bottom two.

I hooked up today and it's interesting that the toxins seem to be stuck in my liver - kind of like Coleman's spleen - I'll add a couple of detox products, a bit different from Coleman's and start clearing out the carnage.

Coleman is walking much better, more stable and less holding on to us. Last week Becky told us that in adults, for every 1 day off our feet, it takes 3 days to recover. I was doing the math for Coleman and he had more like 70-75 days off his feet, so the physical progress I see is astounding. He loves to jump on the trampoline and turned a full flip yesterday. I think that's why he is really tired and sore today..a bit too much of the jump.

Margaret K. - so kind of you to make a meal for us, the boys are in to all things rice and Coleman ate the strawberries and loved them...yes, he hit the dessert did we...back to the exercise bike.

I was ichatting with a friend today who said something like, if we didn't have the tough days, we wouldn't be able to recognize the really good ones. He's right and I'm glad he typed it to me today!

Tomorrow is a new day.

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