Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today has been one of those days when my mind kept wandering off...to wondering. Wondering how long this process will be or how long it will be till Coleman feels back together again. Some days my glass is half full and some days I'm looking for a new pitcher.

Seems like I'm frequently reminded of the holidays and special occasions he has missed. On Thursday Coleman will turn 12 and it will be a different sort of celebration. I remember before he got sick he asked me once about taking some friends to Busch Gardens for his birthday. It's hard for a guy turning 12 to be in this position. He wants the four of us to be together and to have an ice cream cake. I also caught the occasional hint while he was on ebay for a new transformer. I do look forward to birthdays in the future when he's able to circle up with his buddies again.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when we actually get a synopsis of my health tomorrow. I've had my own symptoms that pale in comparison to the boys, but you know we moms have to stay well enough to take care of the kids. Hopefully we'll get an update on Coleman too.

Here's some dollar bill Oregami Coleman has been learning to do...the school of You Tube.

And Spence sneaking up on me today.

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